Dear Patients, We are excited to see the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine approved for children 5 to 11-years-old! Please contact your pediatricians for vaccine administration. We are not administering COVID-19 vaccines in our office. The dose that will be administered is 10mcg (the adolescent/adult dose is 30mcg), and it will be given as a series of two doses three weeks apart. Here are some important facts for our allergic patients: Individuals with a history of food, pet, insect, venom, environmental or latex allergies can proceed with vaccination with a standard 15-minute observation period.Vial stoppers of mRNA vaccines are not made with natural rubber latex.The mRNA vaccines do not contain egg or gelatin. Those with a history of severe allergic reaction (e.g. anaphylaxis) to an injectable medication should use caution when receiving the vaccine and follow a 30-minute observation period. Please schedule a visit with us if you have questions. Adult patients: Some people may need a COVID-19 vaccine booster dose at least six months after the mRNA primary series. The booster is recommended for individuals who are: – 65 years and olderAge 18+ who live in long term care facilities – Age 18+ who have underlying medical conditions – Age 18+ who work or live in high-risk settings – Individuals who have had the J&J Covid-19 vaccine should have a booster dose at least two months after completion of the first dose. |
OIT Patients: On the days of the COVID vaccine, the OIT dose and the vaccine should be separated by at least 2 hours. Otherwise, you may continue to dose as normal. The day after the 2nd vaccine, plan to SKIP the OIT dose. |
Shot Patients: We now have walk in shot hours: Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday: 3:00-5:30pm Friday: 7:45-8:45 am Please continue to use our online scheduling system to come in any other time, and make sure your contact info is up to date in that system, as we will occasionally send last minute updates to our shot patients through Schedulicity. |
For the week of Thanksgiving: We will be in the office Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the office will be closed Thursday and Friday. We will have regular shot hours on Monday and Tuesday, and open shot hours on Wednesday 11/24 from 9-1. |