Dear Patients,
We want to let you know that we are closely monitoring the reports about anaphylaxis to the COVID-19 vaccine.
At this point we have limited data about the reactions, but we do know that allergic reactions to vaccines are rare. Although anaphylaxis to the COVID-19 vaccine is gaining a lot of media attention, the number of patients affected is extremely small.
The CDC is advising that individuals with a history of food, pet, insect, venom, environmental, or latex allergies are able to proceed with vaccination.
Those with a history of severe allergic reaction (e.g. anaphylaxis) to an injectable medication should use caution when receiving the vaccine and follow a 30-minute observation period if vaccinated.
We are hoping to offer the vaccine to our patients when it is available. At this point, private practices are not yet allowed to apply through the state for vaccine distribution. But we will apply as soon as possible.
Lastly, we wish to thank the brilliant scientists (some of whom are our very own patients) who have dedicated countless hours to making this vaccine a reality.
Be safe, wear your masks, wash your hands, and know that we are here for you!
Team Schreiber Allergy